Monday, June 11, 2007

Our First Post

Hi everyone. This is our first post of many.
This is a photo of my wife and I at a family members' engagement party....


Debbie said...

Nice to see you online. Will be good to be able to keep up with your news. (You'll also find that it is a good way of keeping in touch with those members of our family who have chosen to live overseas.)

John said...

Hi good to see you online. Look forward to keeping in touch this way Love & God bless John & Rita

Stu said...

Of course the challenge with blogging is to make sure you write at least one post a week. (Photos are great, too.)

Kerryn said...

Hello Kezza here too, Will be keeping a eye on you now as well :)

Lindy said...

Hooray, finally found you here too!! I am looking forward to seeing lots of news from you two!! Love you lots